Well, it's currently a little after 2 o'clock in the morning and I've just finished updating my blog because once again, I procrastinated and put off my "updates" until literally the last minute. Seriously, I am the WORST procrastinator out there and I hate it. But am I going to procrastinate again? Most definitely. I'm not proud of it, but hey, I'm not gonna lie about it either. I managed to get my blog mostly up to date, minus a missing assignment here and there, so I hope my lack of sleep (and most likely sanity when I wake up in the morning) was worth a few people liking my blog.
Now, onto more pressing matters: my masterpiece.
I've been in kind of a limbo with it for awhile now, unsure of exactly where to take it. For those of you who don't know, I'm very passionate about writing, as well as traveling, and also people. I'm very passionate about people. But I'm passionate about the stories people have behind them, the ones that nobody really knows but them, but that make them who they are. For my masterpiece I would like to interview people and find out their life stories and how they got where they are. I want to figure out who they really are, and not just what others perceive them to be, and then I plan on writing about it. Now I know it's hard for people to talk about how they got where they are a lot of the time; a lot of people probably don't even tell their best friends and family everything. So I finally decided it would be best and easiest to start with talking to homeless people on the streets. It's kind of unanimous that most people view homeless people in one way: they're gross bums who live off of the street and beg for handouts because they're too lazy to get a job or find a way to live properly. Now I'm not saying that that's how I feel, that's just how most of society views the homeless. I feel like if we actually took the time to sit down with someone like that and actually talk to them and understand how they got where they did, we would develop a whole different story about them. So that's what I'm going to do for starters: I'm gonna find out the life stories of homeless people. If anybody would like to join me on a trip to SLO or Santa Barbara or somewhere to embark on this journey with me, feel free to let me know. More developments to come!
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